I’d never heard of Yupo before signing up for this amazing workshop with Carla Sonheim.
Since using this plastic watercolour ‘paper’ I have to admit to having a love/hate relationship with it. Yupo, being plastic, has a tendency to make the paint run and blend in odd ways.
Relationships take work sometimes and at first this one was pretty messy, and awful.
With a bit of effort things got a little better…
Sometimes taking a different approach can help.
Honestly, I suck at automatic drawing/painting. I decided to forego this route for now and sketch first. I used the bird from a previous post as a guide.
Okay, that was better and a lot easier for my mind to deal with. Seeing an image on paper, particularly when working with the Yupo, made painting much easier.
I love fungi and again used some previous drawings as a sketch for painting my last but not final Yupo piece.
I will not let Yupo get the best of me! There will be more…I just need to find time.
Now, onto the next piece for The Princess and the Pea!
Thanks for sharing this! I had a package of it in my hand at the local art store yesterday, but it’s so expensive, and they didn’t have a smaller package. I kind of want just a little at first to experiment with! I have a hard time wrapping my head around plastic paper for watercolors.
It is expensive! Luckily, the art store here had 20×26 inch sheets for under $4 each so I bought two and cut them down. I guess you can get it in different weights too, where some are more transparent.
Never heard of it, but it sounds interesting. Your work continues to amaze me…love it!
I had never heard of it before this workshop. Really, who knew? Thank you! 🙂
Interesting, I have never heard of Yupo. Love seeing your progress with it.
It’s certainly a challenge to work with but since I am not comfortable with it I must keep trying!
I think that first picture looks amazing! I see more and more artists using yupo, it seems to become very popular. Never tried it though, I think I would have a love/hate relationship too …
Thank you! It is a challenge indeed!
Hi, just thought I’d let you know I’ve nominated you for the Liebster-award. You can find more information here http://www.denthe.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/rest-and-award.html