It’s been a long day but even at 10pm tonight I was determined to create something so I decided to come up with this fun little pic for my site. I think I will add colour but for now, it’s off to dreamland (I hope!).



    1. moongirl

      I drew with pencil first (I’m not that brave!) and then with a black poster paint Sharpie because apparently, rollerball gel pens do not jive with pencil. Then I took a picture of it. Maybe one day I will venture into digital art but for now I’ll leave that to you. 😉

    1. moongirl

      Oh, thank you!! I am torn now as to whether to leave it as it is or add some colour…it seems a bit intimidating now, you know, since it’s on paper there is no ‘undo’ with colour – eek!

      Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s great to get input from other creatives like you all! 🙂 Now I’m off to see what you have been doing for AEDM2013!

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