Today was a day I was excited about continuing work  on a painting that began months ago. By the time evening came and the house was quiet I wasn’t ready for painting. So, I grabbed an art book of mine and used one of the exercises (based on Picasso’s cubism style) of turning the page as you add different facial and body features. From there I added other elements around the main drawing. I was determined to finish this one even though I felt ‘off’ as far as creativity went. I am determined to create something every day of this month. I need to for my own creative soul. Even though it isn’t a piece I am thrilled about I stuck to it and that made me feel good.

This is The Elephant’s Dream.

Elephant Dreams


    1. moongirl

      Thank you! I have to say it was a challenge to just let myself go with it and see what happened. A couple times I felt like stopping as I didn’t feel good about it but kept on keeping on which was a lesson in itself – and a good one for us perfectionists! 😉

    1. moongirl

      Cool! I do love the book but find myself going through it page by page and I think I need to sometimes just flip through and find an exercise (like I did this time) which peaks my interest at that moment but that’s just the uptight side of me talking!

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