It’s been about two weeks since I created something which is since Art Every Day of the Month ended. ย I’ve still been knitting but that’s slow going as well and did join Creative Every Day. This is my first post for joining in. This month hasn’t been what I thought it would be. I expected some free time to make holiday crafts with the boys, check out some awesome nature videos and make some art. We did watch this amazing video by Disney Nature on pollination. Stunning imagery! Now come spring the boys want to plant more flowers to attract pollinators. They even offered the back half of our yard as long as they still have the front area for play. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve been working extra hours due to this time of year and by the time I get home I’m pooped. So, I knit and watch an episode of Camelot (ya, totally got sucked into that one because Morgan is awesome in her wickedness). Recently I’ve been rewatching (is that a word?) Being Erica. If you haven’t seen it you should, in my opinion. It’s on Netflix so no excuse. There’s this song in it that I fell in love with and I play it on shuffle in iTunes with a couple other ones as I create at night. It’s one of the very few songs that I don’t get sick of.

Just close your eyes and listen. Or keep them open because I’d totally let him leave crumbs in my bed…you may too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I digress because I’m listening to that song as I post.

My first night off of work and my husband says he will get the boys to bed so I can paint. Oh, how lovely. I almost cried because I realized how desperately I needed to do something and somehow having the time allotted suddenly made it okay to focus on it.

It’s a start from something I’ve had in my mind for days. The boys and I watched a great video on the majestic blue whale not too long ago and it left an impression. I found this beautifulย photograph for reference for what I was visualizing.

It’s a work in progress. I’ve never drawn freely with a marker before. It felt marvellous. I think Adelaide likes it too.

This month’s theme is Celebrate and for me, the energy of a child, their amazing imagination and unending ability to live fully is surely something to celebrate.

Child’s Play

2013Dec13_Childs-Play-smIf you flip it around they are diving down.

2013Dec13_Childs-Play-smI must also get started on a blog header for someone. Excited about that one. Now that my last photo session is edited and delivered I can finally work on it – yay!

Happy creating!



  1. juliejs

    Ohmigawsh. Your drawing is lovely and so full of spirit… I love how you flipped it “upside down” which reinforces my belief that all is right, anyway you turn it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you, also, for commenting on my book art. Your words are much appreciated!

  2. Eeek! I have had this post open in a tab for so long because as soon as I got to the video I stopped to “watch it later” when the kids were in bed.
    Gah! Too long I have missed this awesome drawing. I adore the whale with Miss A there. Magic!

    1. moongirl

      Thank you, Dawn! ๐Ÿ™‚ and I completely know what you mean about waiting on a post until there is a better time and then a week later you realize it’s still open! I have so many tabs open in my browser that some days it’s like cleaning house to get through them all. ๐Ÿ™‚

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