Joining Ginny for Yarn Along today!

armwarmerI have been knitting on a fairly regular basis but haven’t been blogging about it. And I am always reading. 😉

I adore Braiding Sweetgrass. Absolutely adore it and was thrilled when a friend offered to lend it to me. I have read Gathering Moss and still wonder why I don’t own a copy. It’s magical.

I’ve just begun to read Pax. I keep seeing it at the book store and library. It’s calling to me, I guess. I hear it’s a tear jerker so I’ve been avoiding it but it just kept showing up in my view so I had to give in. Tearjerker or not, I must read this book! 🙂

I finished my first arm-warmer last night. I haven’t posted this project on Revelry as I am rather lazy about that. I just find running to my phone or computer all the time to update my life is rather absurd sometimes. You know? But it’s nice to check in every once in a while. 🙂  I will be posting about my latest art works soon too!

Happy creating!!



    1. moongirl

      I love when I hear of grandfathers knitting!! I learned a bit from my mother but then high school became more important!;) I am left-handed as well – but ambidextrous so that made it easy. I do believe there is an easier way to knit for true lefties out there. ❤

  1. <3 Happy you are loving Braiding Sweetgrass.
    You already know I love your knit! Looking forward to seeing them both off the needles.
    Yes, I knit "left handed." I find it much easier. If you look up 'continental knitting' you should find some videos about it. Or, Tam, I could teach you. 😉

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