hold-onto-your-heartLast night, I attended my first show opening since I graduated art college. It was a group show. I felt nervous and excited among a mass of other emotions. I felt inspired. I felt out of my league. I felt so long out of the loop because I didn’t know any of the other artists aside from the amazing curator, Lee.

My boys gave me heartfelt encouraging words about how they thought mine was the best and I knew how blessed I will always be. They will always be my biggest fans and nothing matters more.

When we got home I thanked them for so willingly coming to the show and for their kind, encouraging words (this includes my amazing husband) and gave them goodnight hugs and kisses.

I planned on ending the night with some yoga, a glass of wine and some artichoke hearts (and a rewatch of the last episode of Angel) – but I had to do something else first.

For all the mixed feelings full of doubt and fear there is still a voice inside me saying ‘you must do this’.
I’ve never had that voice persist.

So I sat down with my wine and my artichokes and I told my husband I needed about ten minutes before he joined me to watch the show. I sketched because I can’t stop now. And the sketch wasn’t great but they’ll get better because this, this art thing, it’s what I must do despite all. It’s what I do. Finally. It’s what I do.



**joining up with Erica 🙂



  1. How great for you that you decided to follow your passion and quit your job! Congrats on your first show, may many more follow! Great habit trying to sketch every day. It’s amazing how fast skills grow when you do it every day. I think that the 29 faces challenge is coming up in February again, might be an extra motivation to sketch ….. 😉

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